Thursday, March 3, 2016


Anything  which TOUCHES the HEART/SOUL  with KINDNESS/MERCY /EMPATHY   is BEAUTIFUL. Soul is a tiny point of light which is the source of energy that runs the body. It is the soul which is surrounded by our subtle body which is a body of light.
As soul is the main source of energy, it sits right in the top region of the body, i.e. in the Centre of the forehead between our 2 eyes. The tilak or bindi is also  applied there which is the remembrance of the soul.
The soul is indestructible. It can neither be cut by sword, nor be made wet by water, nor be burnt by fire. It is the energy which is detached from the 5 elements of nature.Soul does not die. It just leaves one body and takes another----based on LAW of CONSERVATION  of ENERGY.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"-Beauty is very subjective/Abstract. The importance of beauty&beautiful things is that they give us pleasure-BLISS/OOPIRI. It is part of our nature to respect and admire beauty.
Concept of beauty includes a healthy body, a keen mind, and a good sense of self esteem--feeling good in mind, body, and soul. We paint houses&fill our yards with flowers as we love beautiful things- exactly "it"-makes song, painting or person beautiful. Some hugs-do wonders-magical. Humans need touch and touchis a powerful healer. Research shows again and again that touch can help reduce stress hormones alleviate depression boost the immune system and diminish pain. Many cultures practisedsome form of massage with the aim of easing physical, mental andspiritual ailments.
People want to spend time in PRETTY places&with+ve people-vibrant+ve ENERGY.A store that is attractive will have far more business. An area of town that is considered beautiful is likely to be more respected and treated differently than an area of town considered ugly.  There's a reason downtown areas and parks are filled with green grass, flowering trees, and strict rules on signs and buildings.  
Studies show that humans are partially sex-role reversed species-Great Emphasis on Female Beauty(Fishes,honey bees, butterflies etc).
Everyone is UNIQUE ---we know no two humans on EARTH  have the same fingerprint patterns..
Beauty is a multi-billion dollar industry in the WORLD, and it shapes our eating, exercise, hygenic, shopping, and other habits.Studies have shown, for example, that people who are considered to be good looking make more money than people who are not.

Eg-Who can't admire/adore/enjoy- INFANT SMILES-LANDSCAPES, SCENARIES-Sun rise/sun set—who can't SUPPORT CORRECT THINGS etc


Eg-   cases like NIRBHAYA , recent VEENA VANKA- KARIMNAGAR (Dist) ,BLACK MAILING cases etc
Anything which TOUCHES the  HEART with the ATTITUDES of  PORCUPINE STINGS  is  PAINFUL& is  a SIN

From  TINY atom, molecules, matter ------------------- planets, stars, solar system, Galaxies, celestial sphere, BRAHMAND---- forces act at distance
From –non living  things to  living things  due to BONDING/BINDING-BEAUTY&Celebration  of  LIFE
Honey Bees---Butter flies----POLLINATION---FRUITS,CEREALS,VEG,HONEY etc 
Insect and other animal pollinators in many ecosystems worldwide:The value of bee pollination in human nutrition and food for wildlife is immense and difficult to quantify. 60 to 80% of the world’s flowering plant species are animal pollinated, and 35% of crop production  and 60% of crop plant species  depend on animal pollinators. It is commonly said that about one third of human nutrition is due to bee pollination. This includes the majority of fruits, many vegetables (or their seed crop) and secondary effects from legumes such as alfalfa and clover fed to livestock.
Making someone else happy/brighten someone else day-Showing HUMANITY-CHARITY etc has great impact on own spirits give OOPIRI/BLISS.
Seeing  RIGHT things occurring  in SURROUNDINGS/NATURE
Seeing  CHILDREN –near &dear  ones---reaching GOALS—Games&Sports-BRIGHT CAREER-receiving AWARDS,REWARDS etc  

Watching –Sampling coming out from seed –flowering -Fruits-Seeds  gives RESPIRATION
childhood......the fun days....the carefree joy of this natural beauty , those little sweet lies and cute smile a lovely face glowing like gold, a heart as pure as a diamond.


Love, warmth and compassion make life beautiful. And love is the language of nature.There is unity and harmony in  Nature like MUSIC.Simplicity is beauty—modest—we should be rotted down to the EARTH. Wisdom, compassion and non-violence are all lessons to be learnt by deliberate means. Music has been given reverence as it brings peace and healing. But sometimes in MUSICAL CONCERTS—BEATS are CREATED to keep AUDIENCE—alert-attentive etc.
Making someone else happy/brighten someone else day has a great impact on own spirit gives OOPIRI/BLISS.

As moms, one of the gifts multi-task, do-it-all, be-it-all, and ‘wear bunch of different HATS" on our heads- like to juggle a million different things at once- can switch those hats so efficiently with good judgments for each area of responsibility-FABULOUS! Mother, sister, counselor, mediator, creative genius,maker of memories, caretaker,domestic goddess, teacher, daughter, student, friend, teacher, story teller,baby sitter,facilitator, entertainer, disciplinarian, therapist, librarian, humorist,researcher, mentor,leader,collaborator,computer-whiz, visionary,team Player,negotiost,task-master, caterer, peacekeeper,CEO of HOME etc.

Whether man or woman, have- unselfish ownership responsibility,absolute accountability to TCB(take care of business)&mindful/meaningful management of  thoughts, actions, attitudes-cosmic balance-equilibrium-own it, account for it, manage it.

Sacred responsibility of life’s journey, then create loving thoughts-draw currents of positive energy&help to invoke positive energy. Person who cultivates  path of peace &love enhances atmosphere around-contributes to an atmosphere of vibrant positive energy-OOPIRI/OXYGEN.
Respect for life can begin with respect for nature. Great saints have found enlightenment close to nature. Buddha under the Bodhi tree, Srikrishna who dances under the Kadamba. All ashrams were situated in forest groves and were centers of learning. Nature contributed to the atmosphere.
We live in a society obsessed with physical beauty-TV, movies, magazines and billboards all display attractive people. Any truly beautiful person  is attractive on outside and inside /being trustworthy/humility/empathy etc.

When a person  is healthy-has an attractive glow -+ve AURA-+ve energy.-CONFIDENT-“appreciate beauty ”  without lust. Purity requires modesty, an integral part of temperance- protects the mystery of persons. Modesty exists as an intuition of the spiritual dignity proper to man. It is born with the awakening consciousness of being a subject. Teaching modesty to children and adolescents means awakening in them respect for the human person.

People may feel others   BEAUTIFUL from person’s—smile, bravery, personality, kindness, daring, empathy,confidence,honest tears,unconditional love, optimism, courage, intelligence, wisdom, compassion, humility, passions, attitudes,optimism etc

 “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart;true beauty shines.” Allow the light in heart to shine for yourself &others, and in so doing, entire being will glow with a fire of beauty. Determination and passion is what makes  a beautiful person.

The twinkling smiles, the kind gestures, . Each person has an inner beauty, a unique character and light that makes them who they are- a sense of optimism, hope, and a sense of meaning and purpose life are what influence happiness the most. Caring people help others, not because they expect a reward but because  it is natural for  them to show kindness.

Passions speaks louder than  looks- radiate an attitude of ambition and enthusiasm- striving for success- not sitting back and saying “I can’t do that, why bother?” - don’t  let  fear hold  back, but instead focus on something that will make  happy.

You care about others more than just yourself-shows interest in others and  are not solely self-focused (or self-obsessed). It means that  care about others welfare- show concern and want to help make them feel better.People love this because it shows that you are interested in their welfare unconditionally .

You care about the impact you can have on the world-This makes you beautiful - You are not simply moping and focusing on the negatives, instead you want to be involved in the world.  One of the most beautiful things in life is smiling-releases those endorphins that bring you extra happiness. You smile at others because it is polite and friendly (and you are glad to see them)-shows  that you are a happy and positive person, something that will attract others to you.  

Feminism is not about being like or more powerful than men. The way I see it, it is respecting and valuing  power and  qualities as a woman, and being thus empowered.

Never treat people merely as sex-objects but  appreciate or acknowledge beauty in a  right way --we  can admire the beauty of a sunrise/sunset  even though  we don't want to have sex with it.
Seeing the beauty in other people can really help our empathy for them grow. I think it is a good thing for straight guys to strive to see non-sexual beauty in women.
Many animal and human traits have been argued to have evolved in order to enhance survival and reproductive success. Evolutionary psychology extends this to psychological traits including aesthetical preferences. Such traits are generally seen as being adaptations to the environment during the Pleistocene era and are not necessarily adaptative in our present environment. Examples include disgust of potentially harmful spoiled foods; pleasure from sex and from eating sweet and fatty foods; and fear of spiders, snakes, and the dark.
All known cultures have some form of art. This universality suggests that art is related to evolutionary adaptations. The strong emotions associated with art suggest the same.
An important choice for a mobile organism is selecting a good habitat to live in. Humans are argued to have strong aesthetical preferences for landscapes which were good habitats in the ancestral environment. When young human children from different nations are asked to select which landscape they prefer, from a selection of standardized landscape photographs, there is a strong preference for savannas with trees. The East African savanna is the ancestral environment in which much of human evolution is argued to have taken place. There is also a preference for landscapes with water, with both open and wooded areas, with trees with branches at a suitable height for climbing and taking foods, with features encouraging exploration such as a path or river curving out of view, with seen or implied game animals, and with some clouds. These are all features that are often featured in calendar art and in the design of public parks.

A survey of art preferences in many different nations found that realistic painting was preferred. Favorite features were water, trees as well as other plants, humans (in particular beautiful women, children, and well-known historical figures), and animals (in particular both wild and domestic large animals). Blue, followed by green, was the favorite color. Using the survey, the study authors constructed a painting showing the preferences of each nation. Despite the many different cultures, the paintings all showed a strong similarity to landscape calendar art.

Physical attractiveness: Various evolutionary concerns have been argued to influence what is perceived to be physically attractive.Such evolutionary based preferences are not necessarily static but may vary depending on environmental cues. Substantial evidence from psychology and cross-cultural anthropology supports a general rule of greater emphasis on female physical attractiveness in Homo sapiens. As sensed by Darwin (1871) and clarified by Trivers (1972), generally higher female parental investment is a key determinant of a common pattern of sexual selection in which male animals are more competitive, more eager sexually and more conspicuous in courtship display, ornamentation, and coloration.
Darwin suggested that human females were more attractive, in an absolute sense, because male choice, not female, came to dominate the course of human sexual selection. And throughout that time, males were selecting, perhaps above all, for female beauty. Now in 21st CENTURY it is REVERSED—IT IS WOMAN’S CHOICE.
Evolutionary musicology is a subfield of biomusicology that grounds the psychological mechanisms of music perception and production in evolutionary theory. It covers vocal communication in non-human animal species, theories of the evolution of human music, and cross-cultural human universals in musical ability and processing. It also includes evolutionary explanations for what is considered aesthetically pleasing or not.
Evolution of emotion--Aesthetics are tied to emotions. There are several explanations regarding the evolution of emotion. One example is the emotion disgust which has been argued to have evolved in order to avoid several harmful actions such as infectious diseases due to contact with spoiled foods, feces, and decaying bodies.
A male peacock does its best to court a female, dancing and displaying its extravagant plumage.
The sexy son hypothesis suggests that a female optimal choice among potential mates is a male whose genes will produce male offspring with the best chance of reproductive success by having trait(s) being attractive to other females. Sometimes the trait may have no reproductive benefit in itself, apart from attracting females, because of Fisherman runaway. The peacock's tail may be one example. It has also been seen as an example of the handicap principle.
Fisherian or Fisher's runaway, first proposed by Ronald Fisher in the early 20th century, is a hypothesized genetic sexual selection mechanism for the evolution of exaggerated male ornamentation (a subtype secondary sexual characteristic) observed in numerous species that produce offspring through sexual reproduction; based upon female choice, the preference or attraction of females for ornamented male mates.
Fisherian runaway sought to explain the paradox of male ornamentation but neither the mechanism nor the secondary sexual characteristic or preference is restricted to this system: Fisherian runaway can be applied to include sexually dimorphic phenotypic traits and character structures such as behaviour and structural displays expressed by either sex.
Fisherian runaway has been difficult to demonstrate empirically, despite being theoretically plausible, due in part to the difficulty of detecting the genetic mechanism and the process by which it is initiated.
It has been argued that the ability of the human brain by far exceeds what is needed for survival on the savanna. One explanation could be that the human brain and associated traits (such as artistic ability and creativity) are the equivalent of the peacock's tail for humans. According to this theory superior execution of art was important because it attracted mates.
Positive feedback:
A Preference intensity that is genetically coupled with the degree of ornament expression consequently makes an exaggerated preference advantageous. Females that instinctively choose males with the most exaggerated ornament increase the likelihood that their offspring will express a higher degree of preference intensity (daughters) and ornament exaggeration (sons). Over time this genetic coupling is further reinforced by a positive feedback mechanism that will see more exaggerated sons and choosier daughters being produced with each successive generation; resulting in the runaway selection for the further exaggeration of both the ornament and the preference. Given time, this type of runaway selection facilitates the continued exaggeration at a rate exponentially, until the costs for producing the ornament outweigh the reproductive benefit of possessing it.
The two characteristics affected by such a process, namely [ornamental] development in the male, and sexual preference for such development in the female, must thus advance together, and … will advance with ever increasing speed. It is easy to see that the speed of development will be proportional to the development already attained, which will therefore increase with time exponentially, or in a geometric progression.

Soul is a tiny point of light which is the source on energy that runs the body. The  confusion here could be the spirits that people see. It is the soul which is surrounded by our subtle body which is a body of light.
As soul is the main source of energy, it sits right in the top region of the body, i.e. in the Centre of the forehead between our 2 eyes. The tilak or bindi is also  applied there which is the remembrance of the soul.
There are 3 aspects of the soul, i.e. Mind, Intellect and Resolves (Sanskars). Mind gets many thoughts both negative and positive. Intellect is like a filter which acts as decision  maker. Resolves are imprints which are made basis our karma or repeated actions.

The soul is indestructible. It can neither be cut by sword, nor be made wet by water, nor be burnt by fire. It is the energy which is detached from the 5 elements of nature.Soul does not die. It just leaves one body and takes another----based on LAW of CONSERVATION  of ENERGY.
BLISS-- We all love kids, don’t we? The reason is that they are innocent and pure in thoughts,
don’t hold any grudges and are very expressive and carefree. They are full of bliss.
The sacred responsibility of life’s journey, then create loving thoughts as they draw currents of positive energy, and help to invoke positive energy. The person who cultivates the path of peace and love enhances the atmosphere around, which, in turn, contributes to an atmosphere of vibrant positive energy.
To live with Prakriti to worship the delicate Tulsi plant and the strong Peepal and Banyan trees. Music has been given reverence as it brings peace and healing. Dance through its rasa lifts us into an eternal ananda, linking performer with the Divine.
Wisdom, compassion and non-violence are all lessons to be learnt by deliberate means. Each one of us needs to replace anger with compassion, hatred with understanding and other positive emotions — with a conscious effort.
Respect for life can begin with respect for nature. Great saints have found enlightenment close to nature. Buddha under the Bodhi tree, Srikrishna who dances under the Kadamba. All ashrams were situated in forest groves and were centres of learning. Nature contributed to the atmosphere.

Knowledge-- As we grow and start speaking to the world, we need to gather knowledge as talking on
similar topics creates bonding, expands the mind and creates base for our career.

LOVE-- The next phase of the life is to get settled, earn money and make a family with whom
we can share our joyful moments and whom we can give our wealth to when we die.

Peace-- As we reach 60, its time to retire and that’s when we are in search of peace as we feel
that all the struggle in life should now end and we go to pilgrims.

Purity—It is better to be a child of GOD than the KING  of the whole world. At Pilgrims, we learn that nothing but remembering the supreme father i.e. GOD can give us the real peace. That’s when we accept GOD as our father and only the purity of the thoughts can connect us to him.

Power-- GOD is the ocean of bliss, knowledge, love, joy, peace, purity and power. Now if we can
know his real identity then we can have all these qualities throughout life. In today’s world with so much of uncertainty it is important we know him right  from childhood.

Mentally strong individuals focus on the present moment and on the near future. They understand that the past is out of our control and the far future is about as predictable as the weather this winter.
Mentally strong people avoid giving others the power to make them feel inferior or bad. They understand they are in control of their actions and emotions. They know their strength is in their ability to manage the way they respond.

The comfort zone is a dangerous place, a dark abyss where anyone who remains there for too long loses his or herself entirely. Staying within your comfort zone is giving up on life. Mentally strong people embrace change and they welcome challenge. Their biggest “fear,” if they have one, is not of the unknown, but of becoming complacent and stagnant. An environment of change and even uncertainty can energize a mentally strong person and bring out their best.
Quite often when something stressful hits us, we will reach for a drink or, for those who quit smoking, a cigarette. Others may even hit some harder drugs. Mentally strong people don’t need to numb the pain. They learn to deal with it in more natural ways.
Only the foolish believe themselves to be sufficient in all regards. When it comes to brainstorming, ideas can’t so much be forced as they can be caught. A good idea is a good idea, regardless of whether or not you came up with it. Don’t let your ego get the better of you; if someone has great advice to give, take it.
A mentally strong person is willing to take calculated risks. This is a different thing entirely than jumping headlong into foolish risks. But with mental strength, an individual can weigh the risks and benefits thoroughly, and will fully assess the potential downsides and even the worst-case scenarios before they take action.
They are no strangers to failure. They take a failure as a learning curve. They will take the lesson apart and see what went wrong. Re-evaluate their strategies and try again.

Although working on our weaknesses does have its benefits, it’s more important to focus on banking on our strengths. The most well-rounded person is not the person that gets the furthest in life. Being average in all regards makes you average. However, mastering a certain skill set or trait will allow you to beat the competition with less effort.

Mentally strong people enjoy and even treasure the time they spend alone. They use their downtime to reflect, to plan, and to be productive. Most importantly, they don’t depend on others to shore up their happiness and moods. They can be happy with others, and they can also be happy alone.
They laugh and smile a lot. They have no reason to be grumpy or have a frown. They love life and life is good to them. Even when it’s not, they still smile because they know something good will be just around the corner.

The Trees seeks to redefine established ideas about life in Mumbai. The project carefully intertwines culture, technology, history, and landscape to align with both functional and aesthetic goals. Here people will be able to admire the sweeping panorama of Vikhroli’s mangroves, live work learn play under a canopy of rain-trees all in an environment that offers cutting edge design and sustainability features.

The lifetime of each person is an experience of the soul’s pilgrimage in existence. A whole human being is one who can balance attachment and detachment in living. Every experience in existence can create harmony or disharmony. Values and perception are determined by the values we cherish in life. When we work to take instead of to ‘give’, we are treating life without reverence.
If one believes in the sacred responsibility of life’s journey, then create loving thoughts as they draw currents of positive energy, and help to invoke positive energy. The person who cultivates the path of peace and love enhances the atmosphere around, which, in turn, contributes to an atmosphere of vibrant positive energy.
Wisdom, compassion and non-violence are all lessons to be learnt by deliberate means. Each one of us needs to replace anger with compassion, hatred with understanding and other positive emotions — with a conscious effort.
Respect for life can begin with respect for nature. Great saints have found enlightenment close to nature. Buddha under the Bodhi tree, Srikrishna who dances under the Kadamba. All ashrams were situated in forest groves and were centres of learning. Nature contributed to the atmosphere.
We’ve been taught to live with Prakriti to worship the delicate Tulsi plant and the strong Peepal and Banyan trees. Music has been given reverence as it brings peace and healing. Dance through its rasa lifts us into an eternal ananda, linking performer with the Divine.

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