Monday, November 30, 2015

For climate action plans to succeed, focus should be on principles of equity--Climate science has predicted that we will witness catastrophic impacts of climate change if global temperature rise is more than 2 degrees.

Global carbon emissions increased by 50 per cent since 1992 when climate talks began. The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere increased from 356 parts per million (ppm) in 1992 to 400 ppm now. Yet the number of people without access to electricity remained almost same — 1.5 billion in 1992 to 1.3 billion in 2012. This shows that inequity in carbon space continues. Paris will have to take a call if INDCs — submitted by 150 countries till now — add up to meet the target of keeping temperature rise below 2 degrees. What happens if voluntary actions proposed by different countries are not sufficient enough?Will countries which have proposed lower reduction ambitions be asked to enhance their targets? If yes, what will be the basis of doing so? How will the progress on these voluntary actions be monitored? Will developing countries get necessary finance and technology to move to low-carbon growth, as they have been demanding for several years now? These are critical questions over which negotiators will be breaking their heads in the next two weeks. 

COP21 is an annual meeting of 195 countries which constitute the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.COP21 stands for Conference of the Parties and the '21' signifies the 21st meeting of the global climate conference. The conference is being held in Le Bourget, France and will continue till 11th  December. 
Paris just recovering from "TERRORIST ATTACKS"-one of the major threats, has shown strong resilient power and hosting itself for fighting another major threat facing the world — "CLIMATE CHANGE."Negotiators from 190 countries will converge on the French capital for fortnight-long protracted talks under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Kyoto Protocol, which had mandated legally binding cuts, has not been successful in reducing emissions. A ‘bottoms up’ approach was proposed at Warsaw. Instead of a legal treaty on emission cuts, all countries were asked to submit voluntary action plans to reduce emissions.INDCs( Intended Nationally Determined Contributions)is an interim tool and is voluntary. These are actions that countries pledge to take between 2020 and 2030. The time period from 2015 to 2020 will be used to hold further talks about a climate change treaty that will take effect after 2030.Hence Paris talks could turn out to be a milestone in deciding future pathways for climate talks.

Climate change talks are not about ecology but about economy and politics. Carbon emissions are directly linked to economic growth. Of course, it is possible to take a low-carbon growth trajectory but  requires new technology and additional finance.Eg-Efficient use of alternative sources of energy. Climate talks are about equity-the carbon budget of the world is limited.Developed economies will have to do more in the form of greater emission cuts, leaving more carbon space for developing and poor countries as this is necessary to correct historical inequities. Between 1850 and 2011, America emitted 411 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. It means a country with about five per cent of world population has emitted 21 per cent of world’s total carbon dioxide till 2011. The 28-member European Union has emitted 18.4 per cent. In comparison, China has emitted 10.7 per cent and India just 2.8 per cent. Today China and India may figure in top five emitters, but their emissions still remain far below in historical context. From 1850–2011, the entire continent of Africa emitted 50 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide, which is 2.7 per cent of world’s total emissions.

Some Drastic Consequences of Global Warming

  • Extreme heat waves will not only affect human health, but also transportation and energy systems, as well as crop and livestock production.
  • Drastic effect across the Earth on precipitation patterns, animal migration and ecosystems.
  • Increased heavy downpours will lead to increased flooding, and they’ll speed up snow/glaciers melt, which impacts levels and availability of drinking water.Eg-Recent floods in Tamilnadu & Andhra Pradesh
  • Rising water temperatures and ocean acidification threaten coral reefs and the rich ecosystems they support, adversely affecting the tourism and seafood industries.
  • Insect infestations and wildfires are already increasing and are projected to increase further in a warming climate.Life-threatening diseases like malaria will spread more rapidly as host insects thrive in warmer conditions.
  • Sea-level rise of more than three feet, on top of storm surges, will increasingly threaten homes and other coastal infrastructure. Coastal flooding will become more frequent and severe, and coastal land will increasingly be lost to the rising seas.
  • Ecosystems will certainly change, and many may become extinct.
One of the vidences for submerging of low lying areas is reconstructing of BUDHATEMPLE in Banakok. Even houses are constructed in protected areas due to increase in sea levels. Chance of submerging of BANKOK in future due to GLOBAL WARMING.

Here are some things you can do in your own life to mitigate climate change’s long-term effects:

  • Drive a more fuel-efficient car, or at least drive more fuel-efficiently.Car pooling or using public transports.
  • Buy organic food-if all tillable farmland were converted to organic methods, 25 percent of the heat-trapping carbon dioxide emitted  would be sequestered in soil.
  • Conserve energy use-ENERGY SAVED is ENERGY PRODUCED.
  • Avoid burning leaves, trash, and other materials--releases particulate pollution and greenhouse gases like nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide into the air.
  • Fuel up  car after dark,  less likely to lose oil to evaporation (and waste fuel).
  • Install a rain garden/rain harvesting in yard, and reduce runoff that can flood roads and other transportation systems-it increases even ground water levels.
  • Take advantage of government funding for energy improvements in home-taking subsidies on  LED bulbs,SOLAR PANELS etc.
  • Remember that the threat of global warming is still pressing. A bad economy and a weak job market may feel like more immediate concerns, effect healthcare costs associated with climate-change-induced diseases like asthma and strokes.

 If countries do nothing to reduce emissions, the earth has almost no chance of staying under the 2 degree limit, and it is likely that the temperature rise would be above 4 degrees.If countries implement their INDCs through 2030 and ramp up efforts beyond it, the world will have a much better chance of avoiding extreme warming and keeping temperature change below 2 degrees.Climate change is real and that not only GOVERNMENTS  every global citizen has to take real action to reduce chances of it becoming catastrophic for future generations. Global climate change has already significantly altered the Earth, and if allowed to continue, will have a serious effect on the planet’s future.Most scientists say failure to agree on strong measures in Paris would doom the world to ever-hotter average temperatures, bringing with them deadlier storms, more frequent droughts and rising sea levels as polar ice caps melt.

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