Saturday, October 31, 2015

World Stroke Day 2015: Understanding BRAIN stroke and the need for immediate treatment--it is critical for everyone "to be stroke smart and learn the 3Rs of stroke" which are reduced risk, recognize symptoms, respond by rushing into the nearest hospital.

 Stroke / brain attack is now the second commonest killer in the world after heart attack and the first and foremost cause of permanent disability but people"do not think of stroke as a major health concern and taking action to learn about how to prevent and treat it."The reason to act fast when a stroke is suspected is because for every second that a brain stroke is untreated, 1.4 million neurons are irreversibly lost, for every hour that passes without treatment, the brain ages 3 years. It is responsible for more deaths annually than those attributed to AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined and in India alone, 4,500 people get a stroke every day. However, stroke is eminently treatable and preventable but timely medical attention is critical.

Stroke is a catastrophe, presenting commonly as a sudden onset paralysis of one side of face, or one hand and face or one full half of the body with or without loss of sensations. Loss of ability to speak and understand spoken words is another common feature. Losing vision on one side of visual field or one eye is the other feature. Sudden vertigo or dizziness, vomiting, loss of balance in walking, double vision, difficulty in swallowing etc. are also seen when areas affected are the lower portions of brain called brainstem. Recognition of these symptoms leads to correct diagnosis of stroke in 80% of the cases.

Strokes result most often (80%) from poverty of blood flow to parts of brain which are supplied by a particular artery feeding the brain of oxygenated and glucose rich blood which help brain to derive its energy. An active normal brain consumes more energy than any other tissue in the body. So oxygen and energy deprivation kills brain cells quickly. After a cessation of blood flow to brain, within one second around 32000 nerve cells die and it has been calculated that this may translate also into loss of 9 hours of human lifespan. Hence the most important principle in the care of stroke patients is a fast response.

Broadly speaking, two types of stroke exist. Nearly 80% of strokes are on account of impaired blood supply to the brain, resulting in the death of nerve cells in the affected area. The remaining 20% of strokes are due to bleeding into the brain which damages the brain by releasing toxic substances and by compression and pressure effects on the brain.

The symptoms of a brain stroke range from weakness in one-half of the body, blurred vision, speech impairment and incontinence to loss of balance and difficulties with memory and higher mental function. It is critical that we are aware of the early warning signs and symptoms of stroke and seek treatment at a hospital which is equipped with facilities such as CT scan and MRI, ICU as well as neurological and neurosurgical expertise round the clock. The reason to act fast when a stroke is suspected is because for every second that a brain stroke is untreated, 1.4 million neurons are irreversibly lost, for every hour that passes without treatment, the brain ages 3 years; and a very efficacious clot buster treatment which dissolves the clot that has cut off blood supply to the brain is safe and effective only within the first 4.5 hours after onset of symptoms. The earlier the treatment is started after symptom onset, the more effective and safe it is for the patient.

  Most important risk factors are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, obesity but also includes all forms of heart diseases. Avoidance of tobacco and alcohol and abusive drugs and regular and adequate physical activity and healthy food and sleep habits help prevent stroke.For primary prevention (prevention of first ever strokes), the effective steps are to a great extent the same as for heart attacks.It is imperative to exercise daily, eat a balanced diet which is low in salt, fat and refined carbohydrates with adequate lean protein, fresh fruit and vegetables. Adequate sleep and work-life balance is as important as diet and exercise.

 Diseases affecting the heart such as heart valve problems and heart rhythm abnormalities are high on the list of suspects in young stroke patients. Some disorders of immune regulation may affect the arteries of the brain, causing them to lose their non-sticky surface and attract clots that disrupt blood supply to the brain. Recreational drug abuse, especially cocaine, is known to cause devastating strokes by causing clots and also bleeding into the brain.

One needs to act fast and reach a well-equipped hospital, making sure not a second is wasted. If there is one disease where the adage "prevention is better than cure’’ holds especially true, it is for acute brain stroke.

Once someone develops stroke, it is of paramount importance to prevent further strokes. Stroke rehabilitation is a specialized area and stroke units are perhaps the most effective measures in improving stroke recovery. The role of early mobilization of stroke patients and physiotherapy and occupational therapy are well-established.

FRIENDS!!!Stroke / brain attack is now the second commonest killer in the world after heart attack and the first and foremost cause of permanent disability even at very young age but people"do not think of stroke as a major health concern and taking action to learn about how to prevent and treat it. It is responsible for more deaths annually than those attributed to AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined and in India alone, 4,500 people get a stroke every day.

Since one of the largest obstacle to emergency treatment is that many people do not know they are having a stroke, it is critical for everyone "to be stroke smart and learn the 3Rs of stroke" which are reduced risk, recognize symptoms, respond by rushing into the nearest hospital. The world stroke organization has popularized this campaign using the acronym FAST - Face, Arm, Speech and Time.
Watch the pop version of 'FAST' posted by ASA on YouTube:

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